Sunday, August 31, 2008
Easy Breezy Backsack
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I got these dollies finished today!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Two sets of dolls done!
I have finished these two sets of dolls for my show. The Annie's on the top are holding little sock monkeys, they turned out so adorable! The dolls on the bottom are holding Scottie dogs, they also turned out adorable! Now I am making some Annie's that are holding an armful of kittens. I need to get busy now so have a great day!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Song Tag!
The rules if you want to play along are:
1. Post the link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others that you like and tell why.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post.
My highlights of the state fair.

We also saw the Hypno-Chick De'Anna. Hypno-Chick - Hypnosis, Hypnotism, Hypnosis Download, Downloads for Hypnotism, this is her website if you want to check it out. She hypnotised people from the audience. It was hilarious! She had them talking Japanese, or at least they thought they were and they could totally understand eachother. We laughed our butts off. This show was also free.
We saw so many great free shows that day but these two were the best. Also ate lots of great food. My sister and two brothers went with us they are all from out of state so it was their first MN state fair. They loved it. One of my brothers and my sister ate bacon on a stick, they said it was pretty good. They had to try it since it seemed like one of the weirdest things to have on a stick. We saw one lady there with shorts overalls with only a lace purple bra underneath, not good, lol.
So now I've had a few days off I need to get back to work so today I'm gonna start the doll making again. I have to get a lot done this week it's my last full week before Little Falls so wish me luck staying focused. Have a GREAT Sunday!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Our 33rd Anniversay!

I got a blog award!

Here is how the award works:
Proudly post this award on your blog. Pick seven other blogs to give this award to. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know you have given them this award. Put them on your link/blogroll and link list the person you recieved the award from.
These are the blogs I have chosen:
- Cindy from Cynthia Lee Designs
- Renee from BirchBerry Farms
- Jenny from Wonders of Whimsy
- anniescupboards
- Tonya from ~Back Porch Pickins~ Thoughts & Tid-bits From My Heart...
- Nicole from RaggedyOld Annies
- Heather from HELLOmynameisHeather
Thursday, August 21, 2008
One of my brother's collages
I started some more dolls yesterday so that's what I'll be working on today. Hopefully I can get a lot done, the clock is ticking on my big show, YICKS!
I have to go train to be an election judge tonight, that should be interesting. Not sure if I will get to be one but have to train just in case.
Tomorrow we're going to the big MN state fair. Hopefully we will have nice weather they are talking about possible severe weather later in the day to evening. I sure hope not that wouldn't be too fun, ewww.
Well I gotta go now have a great day!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Two more Annie's done
I best get crackin then so have a awesome day!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Can you believe I finally finished some dolls!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bountiful Harvest!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Basket full of dollies!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
New purses done!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New purses!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunrise and sunset when we were on our way home from Colorado.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I ordered these new business cards today.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
We'll have some of these for our show.
I've been working on lots of new stuff so I better get busy now. Gordy and I have to work at the Benton County Fair in the Sportsmen's wildlife building from 2:30 - 6:30 today. It's always nice to see lots of old friends there. Hope you're all having a nice weekend, the summer is getting shorter, that's sad huh.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My brother Al's pillows!
I got a lot done yesterday even though I don't have a finished product to show for it. I had to do lots of prep work to get things started. I am working on about 10 differant projects at once. The big push is on! My head is spinning so look out......
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
OMG, it's only one month till my big craft show!
My booth space is I-6 & 7 kitty corner from the police station.
This is the website for all the info on it:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Check out my slideshow with some of my pics from my trip last week to Colorado!
I did get some work done while I was there, that helped me not stress out too bad about being gone. Now I have tons to do so best get going. Hope you enjoy the slideshow.